Daily life in Korea & ME

Street Foods 본문


Street Foods

Baby Dragon 2017. 4. 16. 22:01

Me, my parents, sister and niece went to the beach today.

it was really foggy day today. they weren't disappeared when we arrived


so we drove to another beach. people walks to the rock island at low tide


we took some pictures there and went for lunch


This is what you can find when you visit korea. this is one of famous street food which is made 

of fish meat

This is korean hotdog, sausage is inside of it

This is pupa of silkworm. It looks not pretty but tastes itsn't bad :D

it was one of famous street food around 1990's in korea. 


This is conch, you should use toothpick to pull out the meat

Cotton candy

One of my favorites and one of beer snacks. it tastes like beef jerky (this is made of fish meat)
